
Marsh Green Walk

The Green at Marsh Green

About  the walk

Walk 1 begins in the village of Marsh Green and takes you through undulating fields and past the house in which John Osborne, author and playwright of ‘Look Back in Anger’, lived. There is a great chance to spot butterflies in summer and some lovely panoramic views to enjoy.

It starts and finishes in the heart of the village and cars may be parked beside the green. The shorter walk is approx 2 miles (3.2 km) and takes about an hour, while the longer route is approx 3 miles (4.8 km) and takes about 1.5 hours. It is generally easy terrain with a few low hills but can be muddy in places.

Nearby Edenbridge has shops, pubs, a variety of places in which to eat, historic buildings and the convenient Edenbridge Town station.

For up-to-date amendments for Walk 1 below click here.

Download  the walk

EdenWalk1MarshGreen (.pdf)

Important  Information

The routes used are believed to be public rights of way, unless otherwise stated. However, Edenbridge Town Council accepts no responsibility for any error or subsequent change.

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